Grief Support Services. org
A Place For Comfort, Remembrance And Help During Times Of Sorrow
A Program of National Grief Support Services Inc.
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Executive Director, Karen Russell, founded National Grief Support Services in 1994, inspired both by her lifelong work in social service and her own grief experiences. It was out of her grief over the death of her first husband, Michael Press, as well as the suffering and eventual death of her uncle, Zal Rosenfeld, from cancer, that led to the formation of National Grief Support Services.

Along her own grief journey, the following words of Mother Teresa greatly moved her.

"There is a light in this world, a healing spirit more powerful than any darkness we may encounter. We sometimes lose sight of this force when there is suffering, and too much pain. Then suddenly, the spirit will emerge through the lives of ordinary people who hear a call and answer in extraordinary ways."

Two senseless deaths-one caused by a drunk driver, the other by cancer, left her determined to turn her profound pain into something meaningful and positive. Russell felt that there would be no better way to honor their memories than to help others who were suffering from loss in their lives.

Taking Mother Teresa's words to heart, she believed that one ordinary person could make a difference. More than 10 years of preparation preceded the launch of the nonprofit Web-based service division, through, in March 2004.

When Karen added advanced studies in Internet marketing and Web design to her previous background in meeting the needs of the elderly and people of all ages, the concept of National Grief Support Services began to solidify.

But her goal of establishing the most comprehensive grief support services organization, would require great resources. The unexpected inheritance from her uncle provided the seed money for the project.

Enter an outstanding Board of Directors, volunteers and the "Grief Relief" Team who have lent vision, support and hard work to help the dream become a reality.


Karen reached out to numerous caring individuals, businesses and organizations to establish cooperative, working relationships that could launch and sustain a donations-supported, charitable nonprofit organization.

Its mission is to provide universal access to a plethora of services and support mechanisms available through its website and links to many others that are skillful in meeting the needs of all who grieve.

That mission opens arms wide to encompass all forms of grief, defining it as a reaction to personal loss of any kind: life, health, love, companionship, self-esteem, dignity, safety and economic security, to name some of these. Our approach is to serve anyone based on their economic circumstances, origins, culture, religion, cultural or personal circumstances, and to engage in positive and creative  approaches so people can heal and move beyond grief at their own pace. We embrace

partnerships to present as many possible options in the most effective manner, on and off the Internet. We hope from this to create a dynamic worldwide network of people motivated to care for themselves and others. National Grief Support Services Inc. is  a tax-exempt,  nonprofit  charitable  organization  (tax ID # 95-4489570) that welcomes donations from visitors to or from anyone who supports its mission and activities. Donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. People who donate help enlarge the circle of access to a range of free grief support services that can not be found elsewhere.
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